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This form can be filled out by the service agency's representative, or by the Food Processing Skills Canada (FPSC) coordinator as they discuss the project. This form is designed to collect information that will help FPSC program coordinators understand some basic information about the service agencies who are enrolled in the program. We will use the information that you provide on this form to understand what types of training might be of most benefit to your clients, and to highlight specific skills and areas of potential interest for your service agency.

*** Information you provide on this form will be used for FPSC program purposes only ***

Service Agency Contact Information

Main Contact

Alternate Contact

Service Agency Location

Is your agency a branch of another agency? If so, please select the main office from the list below. If your main office is not listed below select "not listed"

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Describing the Service Agency

Describing your clients

Number of clients served in previous 12 months for:
Training Programs
Support Services
Types of clients served in the previous 12 months (please estimate %):
Under 30 years of age
55 years and older
English/French as a second language
Recent immigrant within past 5 years
Member of a visible minority/racialized group
Member of LGBTQ2S+ community
Type of disabilities or differences among clients (please estimate %) :
Physical differences These affect how someone senses things, moves, handles objects, or keeps up their energy. The causes of physical disabilities can vary – it can be hereditary, or inherited, or the result of accident, injury, illness, traumatic event or post-surgery effects.
Developmental or learning and growth differences These start in childhood and can affect how someone learns, talks, or takes care of themselves. Examples include Autism Spectrum (ASD), Cerebral Palsy, Fragile X Syndrome, Intellectual Disability, Language Disorder, Tourette Syndrome, Epilepsy, Down Syndrome.
Neurodiverse or brain and behavioural differences These affect how someone thinks, sees the world, interacts, or controls their actions. ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, and Dyslexia all fall within the spectrum of “Neurodiversity” and are all neurodiverse conditions.
Episodic or fluctuating differences These come and go, with times when they're more or less intense, common, or long-lasting. These may include disabilities related to long-COVID, multiple sclerosis, IBS, lupus, arthritis, cancer, HIV, diabetes and personal anxieties.

Employment Sectors

Employer Engagement

Training and Supports

Data Collection and Reporting

Additional Comments

FoodAbility Implementation Considerations

Who is our contact at your service agency to onboard and update regarding training programming?